We cut open a farm stand tomato and, lo and behold, sprouts were already growing inside of it. What could cause this, I wonder? Is it like a nesting doll, only a tomato?
Plant problems? Want to know what to grow where? Are your maples moping, lilacs lethargic? Maybe you need to know how to prune hydrangeas or harvest leeks.
If you're a Putnam County resident, ask our Master Gardener volunteers, an experienced crew educated in horticulture, plant pathology, entomology and pest management. They'll show you how to select organic and least-toxic products and more to help you create a beautiful, environmentally-friendly garden. Click the "Ask the Master Gardeners" link and leave a question.
(Please post only once. Questions will not be immediately visible - they are reviewed before they appear on the blog.)
At A Glance:
Helpful Tips:
Feed your veggies! Use a balanced fertilizer (10-6-4) to promote plant vigor and fruit production. Cornell Vegetable Fact Sheets